A Commercial Contractor License For 15 States
Basic Information
This license will be a Commercial General Contractor License for 15 States. Arizona, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Oregon, Florida and The Virgin Islands.
The cost for the General Contractor NASCLA License Study Manual with Permanent Tabs is $500.00. This fee is good for 12 months.
You will receive a Notebook of Study Materials with all of the areas that need to be highlighted in the 24 books and permanent tabs allowed in the PSI Testing Facility. Exam questions for the 24 required books.I have around 900 study and practice questions to help you study and prepare for this test.
Estimating calculations that will assist you when actually taking the test. These questions are very similar to the actual questions you will see on the test.
We will remain in touch either by phone or E-mail to keep you informed of all changes and any questions that you may have while working through the Study Manual.
We receive updated information almost daily from students who have taken the exam recently. Before you actually take the test, we keep you informed of all of this new information plus any book changes that occur by email.
Facts About This Test
There are 12 Categories that make up the NASCLA General Contractor Building Test
There are 125 (only 115 counted) questions, You Must Pass 70% or 81 Correct in Order to Pass the Exam. 10 of these questions are practice.
You Have 330 Minutes to Complete this Test
This is an 24 open book test, we will provide information and exam study questions for each of these books.
This test is administrated in several states including North Carolina.
NASCLA Study Manual
This manual is designed to teach you the things you need to know in order to pass the North Carolina General Contractors NASCLA License Examination.
Has all the things that will most likely show up on the actual test.
Teaches you simple blueprint reading and estimating skills needed to get through the drawing and estimating questions.
Is designed to help individuals with years of experience in the construction industry and those with no experience at all.
Caters to tradesmen and women who have worked in the industry all their life and to individuals who want to get a new career start.
Has all of the study information needed and actual exam questions you will see on the North Carolina Exam.
Contains estimating questions to help with these questions for the seasoned professional or a novice with no calculating skills at all.
The manual is broken down step by step so the information can be made easier to remember.
Updated information is added weekly from students that just took the exam.
Books Required for the General Contractor Nascla Contractor Exam
1 – The Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining, and Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses - 2018 Edition
2 – Construction Jobsite Management - 4th Edition
3 – NASCLA Contractors' Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, Basic 13th Edition
4 – Erectors' Manual - Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Pre-Cast Concrete Products - 2nd Edition – 1999
5 – Training and Certification of Field Personnel for Unbonded Post-Tensioning 2008 Edition
6 – Construction Project Management - 4th and 5th Edition
7 – SDI (Steel Deck Institute) Manual of Construction with Steel Deck - 3rd Edition – 2016
8 – Pipe and Excavation Contracting - 2011 Edition
9 – Gypsum Construction Handbook - 2014 Edition
10 – Placing Reinforcing Bars, Recommended Practices - 10th edition
11 – Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders - 2008 Edition
12 – Modern Masonry - Brick, Block, Stone - 9th Edition
13 – Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction - 10th and 11 Edition
14 – Safety - Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA)
15 – Carpentry and Building Construction - 2016 Edition
16 – ANSI Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities - 2017 Edition
17 – Roofing Construction and Estimating - 1995 Edition
18 – The Contractor's Guide to Quality Concrete Construction - 4rd Edition – 2005
19 – Green Building Fundamentals 2nd Edition
20 – International Building Code 2021 Edition
21 – ACI 318 - 14 Concrete Code
22 – American National Standard – Standard for Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS)
And EIFS with Drainage – 2017 Edition
23 – Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – February 2009
24 – Mechanical and Electrical Systems for Construction Managers - 4th Edition
What is Allowed in These Books
You are allowed to highlight standards and codes in all of the above books that are allowed in the Testing Facility. You are also allowed to underline these as well if that is your choice.
**You are not allowed to write in them in any fashion. Do not write in them during the Exam either, they can recheck them at their discretion. You are not allowed to leave with any of the information wrote down in the books or on paper.